There it is
Converse laced,
Hair down,
We've arrived
Ah, how beautiful it is
In the echos
Under the dome
It's even better
Once outside
It's so blue
It's so loud
We're so little
I'm hungry, my god, I'm hungry
Grand Central
Grand Central
Everyone descends
Two arrows
The surly lights
The double-breasted coat
The square shoulders
Of a veteran
The policemen
Their Adam's apples
It's spring
The steel towers
Forty-Second street
Millennium Avenue
The Salvation Army
There's no horizon
It's something out of science-fiction
Grand Central
Grand Central
No-one waits for her, but
She was waiting for a limousine under the Tiffany awning
She looked like a president's daughter, a real nuisance
Under the edges of her capeline, a Lucky* smouldered
She asks me who I know on the East Coast
Between the blue and her blonde eyes, the sun has chosen
Edie, Edie, girl of straw, Edie of the Factory
Edie was the sort who was really very beautiful
Grand Central
Grand Central
Everyone descends
Grand Central
Grand Central
No-one waits for her