Rises the Mount Reverie high,
Nightfall upon hollows nigh
And a gilt swells benign.
A lock of mine you twine
In a meadowblooms’ weave.
On the awakening’s eve
A fantasy of lands you cast
Where noon's starry sky is vast.
O, Master of Mountain Trails,
Wintry snow is bitter, warn tales.
A passage high will I go by
Where rapids nimble run awry,
To a rooftop with azure inlaid,
Where streams of stone braid.
To follow you I bid my farewell,
Deaf to a fear’s uneasy knell,
To join ranks numberless
Of those lost and lifeless.
By your hand them bless
And let in peace evanesce
In a haven an elysian gale
Fore morn’s verge sets sail.
O, Master of Mountain Trails,
See there, a storm assails,
Clouds flock with dread;
Come, paint a marl blood-red
For long be it forgotten let
To behold a shooting vinelet.
Side by side would we fare —
My dearest share nigh did I dare.
Faraway our path leads, I guess,
To touch the Sun’s fiery tress,
To the tender host, her raven dress,
A timeless rest and the last caress...
Wintry snow has a bitter scent,
Pristine anguish is my lament.
Rime my traces will becloud,
And no one will follow me true.
Glaze your name will enshroud
And no one will remember you.