The best place to be
To be is somewhere else
Somewhere else.
The answer1 will be found by the one
The one who is looking for it.
We are not speechless,
The speechless are not us,
There is a voice we have,
We have a voice.
There is just one truth,2
Never two of them.
Wherever I am,
The voice is heard.
1. The text says 'відкуди' (wherefrom) and not 'відповідь' (answer), but I believe this is an error.2. Ukrainian distinguishes between two kidns of truth, the objective істина (istyna, the real state of things) and the subjective правда (pravda, not lying, the state of things we think are real). There is a single істина ('objective truth') but many kinds of правда ('subjective truth'; there's a proverb у кожного своя правда 'everyone has their own [subjective] truth'). This line uses істина, the objective truth.