When the spring sucks the temples
And for snow came doomsday,
And feelings are getting thinner,
And there is more,
I am dreaming of one girl,
I want to love that girl,
Take her through the stream
In singing of birds
In one decision
To press her to the birch and throw the jacket in thawed patch.
And the years, years, years, years
Take me forward without breaks
Oh years, years, years, years, years
And vernal floods
Years, vile-years.
Once my growth and level were the same,
I did notches on the pine
And there a cuckoo,
Simple liar,
Made settling scores for the spring.
Made settling scores for the spring.
How much can i live?
Cares of smiles,
Roads, mistakes-
All that i will tell you and my soul will feel better
When the spring sucks the temples
I remember Shukshin,
Red guelder-roses,
All is clear
I love Vasja Shukshin.
And with decantation plays accordion,
And wakes the fire in the heart
And feelings are getting thinner,
And there is more,
I want to love all of you and wish you to live long.