Don't move your lips
This is neither the time nor the place for that
Something is inside us
Half sacred and half damned
Happiness isn't a bagfull of money
Those who have one know that
There isn't a path between bodies
Souls travel toward each other
You cheated on me for years
I know when, with whom and how passionately
Look at me one last time
At least let that be fair, let it be honest
Miracles don't exist
Every step we make is a road we have to travel
It would be best for both of us
If we kept what we wanted to say to ourselves
Live your life between fears
Without a moment to catch your breath
And think of the kind of silence that will fall
When a soundless voice touches you
You cheated on me for years
I know when, with whom and how passionately
Look at me one last time
At least let that be fair, let it be honest