Wood grouses gather1in the wilderness,
In the tree depths, in the fog.
Wood grouses hide their yearning and happiness,
Out of love they sing and cry.
But I, but I will never
Hide the love I have for my homeland.
Inside me sounds, burning with the dawn,
The song of a wood grouse!
And at the edge of dawn
I stand, a son of the earth, in love.
Well, sing, sing, wood grouses,
Singers of the dawn!
It is not my pastime or my occupation
To hunt wood grouses at dawn
How is it possible to destroy the wonder
That is the song of a wood grouse at sunrise?!
Wood grouses converse in the wilderness.
Let hope never deceive you.
Let your love, like this song,
Fly into the world, full of goodness and light.
1. "Токование" refers to animals gathering for courtship display. The technical term is lekking, but I figured that's too technical to put in a translation.