Times are gone , times are comin'1
All are old and to us all
What is bad and what is good
You ask yourself and think it over
Don't hope and don't have no fear
What wave it, like the wave is to be gone
If it urges you, if it calls you ...
You stay cold in front of all
Lots are gone towards
In the hear of us lots are to be heard
Who's to remember them all...,
And would stay to listen them!?
You , put yourself aside
Refinding yourself
When in deluded noises
Time is passing , time is coming ...
Nor' inclined her patois
The cold crossroads of the thought
Towards the moment that is changing
For the mask of happiness
That from the death of her is born
And a moment it lasts maybe
For the one that knows it
All are old and new is all
Watcher like a theather scene
You in the world to see yourself
One to play ..
However you are to see the face of her
And if is cryin', if is fightin
You in a corner" , think it in your thought
And understand from their art
What bad it is and what good it is
The future and the past
They're the sheet two faces
Sees at the end the beginning
Who knows to "read them well"
All that was and it is to be
In the present we have them all
But of their baity
You're to be asked and to think of
'cause to the same means
Are plaged all that is
And for thousands of years
The world happy and sad it is
Other masks , the same scene
Other patoises , the same gama
Deluded so often
You don't hope and have no fear
Don't hope when you see cowards
At the victory makin' bridge
Them deluded are to surpass you
If you'd be with luck in forehead wtitten
Fear none, tehy'd look again
Between themselves are to be gone
You don't be no friend to them
What a wave it is , like a wave is to be gone
Like a song of siren
The world spreads real hooks
To change the actors in the scene
They lure you into "storms "
You past them conduit yourself
Don't even stray your attention
From your outside path
If they are to urge you, if they are to call you out
If touched by them you are, you to move aside
If they gossip, you to not speak
What is more for you aside your advices
If you know their measure
Them all to say what they want
Past in world whoever
You to not care of none
You stay to all cold
You stay cold to all
If it ureges you, if it calls you out
What a wave it is, like a wave is gone
Don't you hope and have no fear
Ask yourself , and think it over
What bad it is and what good it is
All are old and all is new
Time is passing , time is coming ...
1. Poetry Written By the Romanian Poet Mihai Eminescu https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mihai_Eminescu and interpretated By Cedry2K