So you want to go, don't stay, leave
Don't think about me, be alright, i can live alone
No pain lasts forever you know that as well
Even anytime i can love somebody again
You're right, we weren't meant together i know that as well, go ahead, leave
Don't worry i can really be friends with you
Actually i couldn't tell you that
I wanted to break up with you for a long time, don't stay, leave
Leave... no please don't leave
Please stay, I lied to you don't leave
It's not true, i'm not ready to break up
There are things left unfinished between us
Don't leave, stop, I have already missed you like crazy
This is the right thing for both of us, leave
Trust me, i'm not as sad as you think
There is an excitement inside of me
of starting a new life, now leave...