I am a wounded wolf
and you are Hennaed lamb
spoiled a little
your love is salt and pepper
you may think it is playful
but it is your heart there for me
you say to me go away in my face
but your eyes saying please stay
the harvest is so close .. Not wanted
the spotted dark horse grown up ..
stopping not listening
you may think it is playful
but it is your heart there for me
you say to me go away in my face
but your eyes say please stay
it is enough for me
real mercy please
but it is your heart there for me
healing of poisoning with milk and figs
you cuffed my hands and my heart with a chain
you may think it is playful
but it is your heart there for me
you say to me go away in my face
but your eyes say please stay
no one will love you like I do
forty years sustained peace are on
you may think it is playful
but it is your heart there for me
you say to me go away in my face
but your eyes say please stay
it is enough for me
real mercy please