You sleep in your
Big/fat bed with three fat women
And it isn't a dream, sadly you're awake because you
Smell of smoke and you smell of booze
(Yeah) Last night was really awesome [In german you can say fett (fat) instead of awesome or great]
Tell at least the photos on the internet
Actually, I wanted to only go for one or two beer
I love it when a plan works
(Ah, I could go crazy. I would do everything to participate in their party)
(Du Du Du Du Du Du Du)
Slowly, bit by bit
Last night returns back into my memory
There was this party at Dings/Thing [Dings is used if you don't know the word for something. I don't really know how to translate it. A "Ding" is "Thing" in English but it doesn't really fit in this sentence] the sister of uuuuuhhhhmmm
Yeahh, whatever! Anyway, everything escalated:
Drugs, love, hospital, brawl
And it wasn't even half past two!
Yes, awesome. Sounds like it was a dope time
Only me, the fool, ["Pfeife" means "Pipe" and it's an insult in German. It's someone who doesn't get anything, who isn't good at anything..] wasn't there
(We don't want to exaggerate, it's a party)
I wasn't there, I was laying alone in bed last night
But no problem, you'll tell me for weeks about last night
What we've experienced last night
Now it's too late for last night
The best night of my life
And me, the idiot, missed it
There is a world before 11
Where you can go out for dinner, not ordering a pizza
In which it's still and not yet again bright
Visiting in-laws, traditional
The people go out for a walk
With a buggy
Clean their cars
Cut their lawns
I never imagined
That sunday afternoon
is even more shitty
If you have no hangover
And I'm in top form and I'm bored
All of my firends were smoking, drinking, partying
It's like that at the block day in day out [Reference to Marteria's "Kids (2 Finger an den Kopf)"]
I'm awake, everyone else sleeps in