Everything began many years ago,
without a plan or goal.
The world was much too small for us,
we were dice without a game.
Our heart was big, the bagpipes* loud,
our slogan: wild and free.
But the way so many speak today,
time probably seems long gone.
But what if, let's assume,
all the talk would've been right?
Then we are publicity-seeking, commercial-obsessed,
simply, fundamentally bad.
We have forgotten our roots
and are terribly arrogant,
and we are unfortunately too famous
to be genuinely good.
But our compass points straight ahead,
there, where storms blow.
On a path, the first that comes up,
thereby, we take it.
We are ready, we are willing,
who also wants to trek further with us?
On this path, the first that came up
when we go together/stay together
We've broken the minstrel's oath
and warmed the cold heart,
we've taken the dice away from God
and have caused a ruckus with Orpheus.
We've messed up the wedding dance,
sued our imitators,
we have impregnated Salome
and tolerated the fall of man.
Since then we've also been idols,
we are living it up,
we piss in Prometheus' fire,
because instead of entering we exit.
All you complainers, enviers, know-it-alls
you are utterly right:
Just because something doesn't please you anymore,
ruin it for others!
You think "everything was better before",
when we were still really us.
Then we are perhaps different today,
but luckily not as much as you.
We are at times men, at times knights,
sometimes shadow, sometimes light,
but if we pleased every fool,
we would not be easily interested.
Simply believe what you want to believe,
maintain your halos.
Wallow in self-righteousness and
throw the first stone.