In the old field by the Keulsche* land
There where the big medlar tree stood
There lived the monster, the Gelre* dragon
No man who could take him on
There was a keep of the Lord Van Pont
Blessed was he with two great sons
And the youngest, Wychaert was his name
Secretely betrothed to a fair [girl] from Hameland
Hear the dragon with its loud rumblings in the dark nights
There where Wychaert will raise his great sword and the monster will slay
Hear the dragon with its loud rumblings in the dark nights
There where Wychaert will raise his great sword and the monster will slay
Wychaert came to the maiden's father
The father, he sat in his great throne
He said: Wychaert, ye must show your courage
To love my daughter so fair
So jumped he on horseback, and away went Wychaert
Riding over Gelre's fields
Brave and fearless in nature
The beast always lay under the medlar
So Wychaert stepped boldly forward
The dragon roared loudly: GELRE! GELRE!
It could be heard across the land
Thanks to his dagger, inherited from his father
He stabbed it with merely one good blow
Dying it lay at Wychaert's feet
Where it succumb to its wounds
The people cheered loudly and shouted after him
"The killer of Gelre is the true hero"
He received his castle and riches aplenty
And Hameland's girl, so it is told
The small settlement also received his name
The proud name: GELRE!
That is where the land of Gelre was founded
That is where our Gelderland arose