The little creature on its belly
Love hits it in the face
It only wants to live from the warmth
Never moves away from its mother's side
The little creature on its knees
It's not ready for the world
It already has its own thoughts
but its mother provides it with safety
Soon the little creature is upright
It can already stand upon its feet
It sees the cold throat of its mother
And must now go its own way
The little creature in the cold wetness
No longer completely small and yet not big
It still has curiosity in its eyes
But it wants to go back into its mother's womb
No way back to Mother Earth
The right way remains unknown
Burned child in the womb of ashes
The cold robs it of its mind
Years later it becomes a man
who loves his mother deep inside
Released from his mother's body
He finds nothing that gives warmth
The little creature on all fours
smeared with fear from head to toe
It wants to back to its mothers belly
Because it will otherwise freeze without warmth
No way back to Mother Earth
The right way remains unknown
Burned child in the womb of ashes
The cold robs it of its mind