Unfortunately, I breathe in air and go down to the park
Can it be called that?
With vomit of drunks and globs of snot....
With overflowing garbage alive inanimate and growing
Waste of mulberries and famished cats
Whatever happens here it's more hard than for me
Two religious guys are betting on what they don't have
A military border guard girl is grinded thin in the heat of July
One from Bezalel 1 with a camera looks ridiculous...
And there the old orthodox guy that lives across the street
And a group of tourists from Israel not abroad
Easy to recognize by the phones
The clothes, body language, and the ironic smile
And to those that happen to pass by
The people look somewhere between weird and unusual
It's the garden nearby, the mulberry garden
Only coming to it, costs me my health
But staying at home, that causes degeneration
So I'll strongly recommend it to anyone looking for directions.
In the sun's heat, breathe in smoke and go down to the park
I'm meeting Shaul and Hetsi and Mark here
I don't come here every day, but it's not unusual
Addicted to it? Maybe, a little, a smidge, in some way...
It's as if Zionism has forgotten the mulberry garden
There are no fit soldiers here on a journey 2
But there's no corruption, everyone's a minority and...
There's a wandering of straying souls
Of people who wrongly believe
That they are interesting to
Someone or something and it's not true!
Maybe their family members, maybe God
But okay, fine, as long as they're kind of healthy
Sometimes there's good in not paying attention to the details
And for those who don't sit here by chance
The people look a bit like you, a bit like me...
It's the garden nearby the mulberry garden...
It just sucks you in like some sewage pit
And you and me like water drift backwards in it
It reduces differences, diminishes the gaps 3
And for those who sleep here not unintentionally
The whole world looks somewhere between weird and unusual.
1. Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design.2. In the military sense, not sure what the right word here is.3. Both words mean 'difference' in Hebrew.