I never wanted to hurt you, oh to hurt you
I never wanted to see tears in your eyes, oh tears in your eyes
I never wanted to break your heart,oh break your heart
I didn't want to happen everything that has happened but now it has
I promised a lot, I failed in the end and my words remained only words in the end
I've mistaken ,I hurt you a lot
I hope one day you forgive me
I don't want to come back since there's nothing left between us
I just want to apologize and walk away
I know ,I know that I've mistaken ,I understand even if you talk bad about me
swear at me,offend me,spit on me,hit me badly
break out in tears , express your pain in me
call me idiot tell me that I'm not a man and I've never been
at least I know ,my conscious is killing me ,I curse that moment
trust me my soul hurts but it doesn't mind
'cause even when you talk bad about me I understand
I just want to say I'm sorry and walk away
everything i built up with you I destroyed it I ended it
I've mistaken I understand that now it's too late
even though we've broken up ,I've loved you with all my heart
even though we've broken up ,I've loved you with all my heart
'cause everything it's over over over
everything it's over over over
everything i built up with you I destroyed it I ended it
I've mistaken I understand that now it's too late
even though we've broken up ,I've loved you with all my heart
even though we've broken up ,I've loved you with all my heart
'cause even when you talk bad about me I understand
I just want to say I'm sorry and walk away