The stream!
Fingers pale clawing lichen, tearing
They rip through, demolish, bare stone and rock
Black fingernails reduce to rubble, grind away
When he dives into the beast, stone's black stream
He digs down to the mountain's core
He slides into cracks, slips
Drinks ice cold water through the slits
Licks lime and iron from stone
At a shore so cold and dark
Rested for a millennium
Deep in holes without light
Only a sound, the black stream's roar
He wades in the light of underground fire
The deep river, without a source
As the time has left its false way
Sees a wander in wisdom endlessly long
At a shore so cold and dark
Rested for a millennium
Deep in holes without light
Only a sound, the black stream's roar
Streams roar!
In front sees a shadow wandering along the water
A back so haggard and bent from knowledge
Then he now grabs the depths for second time
With himself he before the river sat...