I can heear cries from the distance
I can hear cries from the past
Hear the echo through the ages
With helplessness inside
There are builders who call us
It's the builder of the realm
All these voices beckon us
"This realm was built to last"
Banner of the Welfare state
Blessed security from the cradle to the grave
Banner of the Welfare state
Blessed security from the cradle to the grave
Welfare state, Nanny state
Banner of the Welfare state
I want to close my eyes when they fumble
Want to close my eyes and not see
See how welfare is misappropriated
And see how progress smiles for us no longer
We had work and security
We had welfare, health and hope
Everything has faded away into darkness
Oh so colorless, yellow and blue (1)
Bereft and stripped of everything
Of our wisdom, power and courage
Our future has been sold
Everything sold down the river
Our government is soon a vassal state
Under whose laws we remain
The graph points downward
It's a sad reality