I fell to hands, tongues, and eyes in that day that I suffered.
Look at me, See me, What situation did I come into?
In the white colour of my skin,
Eat me up, take me in your mouth, chew!
Take my taste, but don't end it!
Look at meee, look at me, you burned me!
puff puuff (blowing)
I would say come on come, but you won't come
buttttt, what is this?
I would say be mine but you won't be,
you will make me tinsy winsy.
Come on, blow, blow, BLOW! this is so beautiful.
Come on be quick, somethings happening.
Blow and let my wound go,
Blow, blow, BLOW! This is so beautiful.
Come on be quick, somethings happening.
Blow and let my wound go!
A little, a little, give a little noise, I can't hear you, uh, blow!
I'm burning.