Thay reft our hert awa aneth a mirkie blanket
Aneth a muin deid in its bairntime we sleepit free o fears
It wes a general twinty year auld
Blae in the een jaiket the samen
It wes a general twinty year auld
Son o a blouster
Thare a siller dollar liggin on the bed o Sann Creek.
Our weirmen ower faur awa on the steid o the bison
An thon hyne-awa muisic gat louder, aye louder
Thrice I steikit my een
Yince mair I kent I wes thonder
I speirt o my granda wes ’t jist a draem
An granda said aye
The fishes is singin whiles on the bed o Sann Creek.
Sae strang wes my draems the bluid tuim’d doun frae my neb
Levin-flauchts in the tae lug an paradise in the tither
The peeriest tears
The meiklest tears
Whan the tree o snaw
Bluim’d wi reid starns
The bairnies is sleepin nou on the bed o Sann Creek.
Whan the sun heistit his heid abuin the shouthers o nicht
Thare wes naethin but dugs an reek an whumml’t tents
I cuist a flane at the lift
Tae gar it breathe
I cuist a flane at the wunn
Tae gar it bleed
Seek for the third o the flanes on the bed o Sann Creek.
Thay reft our herts awa aneth a mirkie blanket
Aneth a muin deid in its bairntime we sleepit free o fears
It wes a general twinty year auld
Blae in the een jaiket the samen
It wes a general twinty year auld
Son o a blouster
The bairnies is sleepin nou on the bed o Sann Creek.