I saw the tears in your eyes, and the news this morning
20% for horror, 20% for fear
Drunken unconsciousness, all the sons of France
In the nation of Enlightenment, suicidal amnesia
No no no no
We are, we are
The Nation of Human Rights
We are, we are
The Nation of Tolerance
We are, we are
The Nation of Enlightenment
We are, we are
At the hour of the Resistance
For the dreams that we had, and for those that we will have
For the fists that we have raised, for those that we will raise
For an ideal, for a utopia
Let's march together, children of the homeland
Sons of France!
As long as it's just to hang the head, oh yes, you sure love them, those moments of silence
Sons of France!
It was barely yesterday, and already you brandished the flag of ignorance
Sons of France!
We will never forget that we are and will be the sons of the Resistance
Sons of France!
In the kingdom of the blind you know well that it's said that the Kings are blind.
There are these shadows behind us, there are these sold out ideas
There are these flags that fly and songs above
And then there's you my brother, yes you who no longer believes
And then there's our prayers and our lost causes
Shame to our country, shame to our homeland
Shame to us the youth, shame to tyranny
Shame to our country, there's the enemy again
Let's march together, children of the homeland
We are, we are
The Nation of Human Rights
We are, we are
The Nation of Tolerance
We are, we are
The Nation of Enlightenment
We are, we are
At the hour of the Resistance
We are, we are
The Nation of Human Rights
We are, we are
The Nation of the Different
We are, we are
The Nation of Enlightenment
We are, we are
At the hour of the Resistance