In the war of Valois
the Lord of Vly died,
if he was a valiant hero
it is not known, it is not yet certain.
But the lady abandoned
complaining about his death
for a thousand years and perhaps even
will lament the sad fate.
Spin the wool, spin your days
still think that he returns,
book of sweet dreams of love
open the pages to his pain.
Have returned to a hundred and a thousand
the warriors of Valois,
have returned to families
to the buildings to cities.
But the lady abandoned
will not recover its love
and the great log in the fireplace
will not be worth to warm the heart.
Spin the wool, spin your days
still think that he returns,
book of sweet dreams of love
open the pages to his pain.
Knights who in battle
ignored the fear
close has to be your vest,
well-hardened your armor.
To the enemy who assaults
you have to be quick to give an answer
because behind those walls
one expects you relentlessly.
Spin the wool, spin your days
still thinks that he returns,
book of sweet dreams of love
close the pages on his pain.