The mental processing [of the human mind] is uncertain,
The voice is marble and cement.
I live [on] in spite of myself.
It is difficult to enact the control,
Mist is all around my eyes.
The borders are blurring.
I've already forgotten my own dimension
And unknown forces are tearing me apart.
The exotomy1, the IBM-alysation,
They [all] breathe life
Into Programming:
x_1 = A*sin (ωt)
x_2 = A*sin (ωt + γ).2
1. Some made up chemical words2. from it.Wikipedia: «Such writing can be considered as the mathematical formulation of the theme of the entire album. The two mathematical expressions, in fact, if represented in the same plot, are two sinusoids of equal amplitude but staggered of a unit (gamma), which turns out to be the two-dimensional representation of the DNA helix (the main theme of the album).»