Dear girl, don't be sad
'cause it's a pity.
Without tears, there is no
real melancholy!
But clouds are shrouding in the sun
tear easily
and smile comes back
so warm and blossoming...
So I've loved
and someone lied to me
I've cried and the road
seemed to be pointless,
but after a day and another
the heart's warm sky
shone sunny as in the begining
Dear girl, don't be sad
'cause it's a pity.
Without tears, there is no
real melancholy!
But clouds are shrouding in the sun
tear easily
and smile comes back
so warm and blossoming...
So were and will be
the roads of the heart
So it happends anytime we love
You'd understand later
and you'd say I'm right, I know.
Fore up
and let's just smile together
Dear girl, don't be sad
'cause it's a pity.
Without tears, there is no
real melancholy!
But clouds are shrouding in the sun
tear easily
and smile comes back
so warm and blossoming...