Young girl with long and thick hair,
Young girl with long and thick hair,
You feel that their eyes want to mesmerize you.
The night weaves within them ie*
So that the zburători** would come,
The night weaves within them ie
So that no one would trace them.
Young girl, they kiss you
With their mute gaze,
The black eyes, Gypsy eyes.
The night weaves within them ie
So that the zburători would come,
The night weaves within them ie
So that no one would trace them.
They’re teary because of yearning
And because of their high hopes.
The night bathes in them,
In glittering like that of jewels,
In glittering of jewels.
Young girl with long and thick hair,
Young girl with long and thick hair,
You feel that their eyes want to mesmerize you.
The night weaves within them ie
So that the zburători would come,
The night weaves within them ie
So that no one would trace them.
The night weaves within them ie
So that the zburători would come,
The night weaves within them ie
So that no one would trace them.
The night weaves within them ie
So that the zburători would come,
The night weaves within them ie
So that no one would trace them.