Every morning at sunrise
A girl passes by my door,
Disappears around the corner
With a head leaned forward, rather tired.
She wraps tobacco in the factory
As if it is for her own smoke,
Daydreams while wrapping
Like all the people do.
She wants to own a house
And a nondrinking husband...
She gets along with whatever God gives
As long as she is happy at home.
It starts raining outside
And, a pain deep in her heart,
Tears flow from her eyes...
The factory girl cries.
However, even in her own bed
She can not sleep a day right.
Just like her elderly mother,
She is unaware of her womanhood.
Machines are like spurs
Piercing her heart everyday.
Her hands made-to-weave-wool (*)
Are in the worry of daily bread.
Every evening at dusk
A girl passes by my door,
Disappears around the corner
With a head leaned forward, rather tired.
She wraps tobacco in the factory
As if it is for her own smoke,
Daydreams while wrapping
Like all the people do.
(*) Her delicate hands