This shit goes out with dedication for all these big shit
mouth runners
from the industry of the Romanian Hip Hop
Straight outta B.U.G. MAFIA
Good thing, good thing
Good thing, 'tis that ya're suckin me off r' now
Bad thing, bad thing (for ya)
Bad thing for ya is that i'mma fuck ya up
So the first one would mean that i'm enjoyin fuckin ya ..
And the second would mean that ya're fucked in fact .
Almost 7 , 8 years have passed, lemme eliterate it for ya ...
And Startin of that time till now everybody's listenin (our ) rap
But ya're still running your mouth as if you would've realised something
As if ya would've have a clue, like if you'd have some assets
Like if you'd make some doe, like if you'd be someone of importance
Yet in your mind ya're tellin yourself that it isn't at all that way
So all the b'shit you've sold from the begining till now
And still b'shit ya're to sell out even now
i'mma say "Fuck your shit , F your shit ... Fuck you with all your shit
This be to remind you that we're to show up by your home
Ya to respect me same as you'd respect yo mom'
Because ya're to get some publicity if i;mma talk bout yo
Ya know it .. we're the boys that makes them doe roll
And we're also the boys makin them coppo's cry
There are plenty round yo ass that are to make ya feel big
Keep it in ya mind , they'd be doin so just to get the profit from ya
Ya've done some doe, ya've find your life way ...
Did ya told them also that ya're turnin bitchy in front of i ?
There are plenty round yo ass that are to make ya feel big
Keep it in ya mind , they'd be doin so just to get the profit from ya
Ya've done some doe, ya've find your life way ...
Did ya told them also that ya're a lil' pussy in front of i ?
We're one for all and all for one still goin forward
And i'm fuckin ya'll up, lemme remind ya'll
First i'd say that i'mma give it to ya in yo ass
After that ya can advanse to some oral "examination"
This was only .. to eliterate it in more scientific terms to ya
And if ya don't know the terms ...ya can go ahead and "check their meaning "
What's your oppinion, wouldn't be better if you would stay away from me
It would be so much better, ...cause otherwise you would get to see m'a dick
Prompted right in your mouth and in yo momma mouth ...
You've got yourself some black hood, to cover up yo eyes when suckin me off
Them gheto boys done it to ya once again
In vain ya're tryin to get up, it is of no use
But your last chance is to go abroad
Gather out all of your friends, stuff them all into your duffel bag
And if not even there ya wouldn't be able to shut your mouth,
Open it wide once again ... we're gonna film it .. ya lil'wanker
Don't know why my balls are so attractive (to ya)
Time after time .. ya're lickin them off
Come here, my fool, i'm offerin ya some charity
I'mma make ya some discount for fuckin ya woman til december
In January i've showed you why ya're so full of shit
You didn't chage a thing, although ya've tried a bit
Whose the best?! "maybe you" ...
Cause "we're not", you know ... we're the ones runnin after the doe
There are plenty round yo ass that are to make ya feel big
Keep it in ya mind , they'd be doin so just to get the profit from ya
Ya've done some doe, ya've find your life way ...
Did ya told them also that ya're turnin bitchy in front of i ?
There are plenty round yo ass that are to make ya feel big
Keep it in ya mind , they'd be doin so just to get the profit from ya
Ya've done some doe, ya've find your life way ...
Did ya told them also that ya're turnin bitchy in front of i ?