It should rain red roses for me
All wonders should encounter me
The world should rearrange itself
And keep its worries to itself
At sixteen
At sixteen I silently said
I want
I want to be big
Want to win
Want to be happy
Never lie
At sixteen
At sixteen I silently said
I want
I want everything
Or nothing
It should rain red roses for me
All wonders should encounter me
The world should rearrange itself
And keep its worries to itself
And later
Later, I still said
I would like
To understand
To see a lot
To experience
To keep
And later
And later I still said
I wouldn’t like
To be alone
But still be free
It should rain red roses for me
All wonders should encounter me
Happiness should behave in such a way
It should manage my destiny with love
And today
Today I silently say
I was suppose to
Make do
Oh, I can’t conform
I can’t make do
I always want to win too
I want everything
Everything or nothing
It should rain red roses for me
New wonders should encounter me
The world should rearrange itself
And that what’s expected
The best kept
Red roses should rain for me
All wonders should encounter me
The world should rearrange itself
And keep its worries to itself
I want