I know
Your dirty little secret
Your thing you've been hiding eye
It awaits just above the eyelash
And today I'm gonna find out what it is
I'm going on a mission
To find your intrusion
I'm going behind your eyelash
I'm finding your little secret
Don't be afraid
I'm sure they wont laugh
And if they I'll cover your eyelash
But show it to then show it to the world
How bad could it be
I'm going on a mission
To find your intuition
I'm going behind your eyelash
I'm finding your little secret
Now I'll find
I mean what if the girls think it's sexy
I mean I couldn't be that bad
I could be so bad
If you can't take it then I won't do it
Just please let me I won't boo it
I'm just gonna do it
Wheather you like it our not
I'm going on a mission
to find your intuition
I'm going behind your eyelash
I'm finding your little secret
I'm done with my mission
I found your intuition
I went behind your eyelash
I found your little secret
Wasn't so bad