I have a blackbird, that is something else
In the day it sleeps, at night it eats and sings the fado.
And there in the building they hear it sing
They even suspect that i hide someone for no one to see
I have a blackbird, there in my room
It's not free because if it flies it'll fall on the cats.
I cut its wings off so it can't fly
It uses its feathers in its poems to cradle me.
Blackbird, Blackbird and if by chance someone catches you
Tell them you're not by yourself, that you're awaited in your home.
Blackbird, Blackbird and if by chance someone captures you
Don't ever sing fado again, you don't want to see me suffer.
And don't ever come back,
For these windows, i won't ever open them again.
I have a blackbird
That is a prodigy
It doesn't shave
It doesn't make the bed
Neglects the nest.
But it sings the fado
Like no one else
I even brag that i have a blackbird
No one else has.
I have a blackbird
(which is a man)
It's not a man
(then who is it)
Its from the canorous birds, the one that wants me the most
(it must be a man)
Oh, no it isn't
(then it's a women)
How could it be
It's just a blackbird which gives happiness to fall asleep with
Blackbird, Blackbird
In the chance someone catches you
Tell them you're not by yourself, that you're awaited in your home.
Blackbird, blackbird, and if by chance someone captures you
Don't ever sing fado again, you don't want to see me suffer.
And don't ever come back.
For these windows, i won't ever open them again.
And don't ever come back
Because in your cage fits other animals.