Your gestures confuse me totally
From the head to the feet
But in my thoughts
I'm lusting for you
Your eyes can't tell me
Who exactly you are
But even so
I'm lusting for you
I'd always feel the same
Whatever it costs
I ignore you
therefore I know you so well
and know when it rains or
It feels cold in your heart
Even in another dimension
I would lust for you all the same,
Like Caetano
Or Leonardo DiCaprio
It's absolutely a miracle
All the things God created
Inspired on you
He made the Milky Way
and dinossaurs
And without even a second thought
He made my life
and put it in your hands
And not to mention
All those days in which
You hurt me to death
For not letting me know anything about you,
Abandoning me to the oblivion
But in case that you're wondering
If I want my life to be otherwise:
Definetly no
All I want is live
Just to wait
and to lust for you