I saw from far away when he arrived
beside my door
and hitched his horse on my wooden rail
He didn't come in
just looked from there
when I retrieved his clothes into the hallway
He said
Life is short
and I haven't found
what I'm looking for
He had thirsty eyes
and even though I saw it
I took him beside me in my life
and standing there I heard
as the prairie called him
further to south
Life is short
and he hadn't yet found
what he was looking for
Before he mounted his horse
he laid a hand on my cheek
and asked, oh girl, will you wait for me?
and although my heart still hoped
my sense predicted: there's still someone
without someone like me
I said
Life is short
and I cannot wait
the day is setting soon, go now!
So he went and took his love
far away with him
under his chest to a bigger world
I swept the porch and left the door open
for another, a new searcher
who already misses home
I think
Life is short
but has anyone yet still found
what they've been looking for?