The skirt is yellow, you're more yellow than skirt
Etek sarı sen etekten sarısan lele sarısan
You're the snow of Beydağı(a mountain)
Kurban olam beydağının karısan lele karısan vay
I asked a question, whose lover are you?
Sordum sual ettim kimin yarısan ay yarısan
It pouring like hail without I say
Ben demeden dolu gibi döküyi lele döküyi vay
I had sew a shirt whose arm's got buttons
Bir köynek diktirdim kolu düğmeli ay düğmeli
People must submit to their fate.
Insan kaderine boyun eymeli lele eymeli vay
My heart, don't lean on the one who's ugly
Soyka gönül cirkine bel baglama lele baglama
The girl who I love must be worth Arguvan
The girl who I love must worth Urfa
The girl who I love must worth the World