Like a thread between the one and the other
Invisible, it imposes its connections
in the wanderings of the subconscious 1
It walks with impunity
And everything trembles a little bit
And the rest fades out
Only in our bellys
A knot, a hunger.
It makes a king from a slave
And can damn the saints
The honnest man or the wise
And nothing one can do about it
And one resists it, one builds walls
Happy times 2, well sorted photographs
Like a terrorist it pierces armour
One moment everything is wiped away
You crawl and you spy
And you beg for words
You read her poets,
Love her paintings
And you try to cross her path
Suddenly you are fifteen (again)
Everything changes its foundation
And nothing one can do about it
It invites itself when one doesn't expect it
When one believes in it, it flees away allready
Brother who, one day, tasted it
Never again will you recover
It leaves us empty
And more dead than alive
It's what decides
One only pretends
It chooses its paths
Its coming and going
That's the way of love
And nothing one can do about it.
1. méandre means a turning in a river's course, the same word probably exists in English, but I preferred the more literal 'wandering'2. lit.: happinesses, but that's bad English of course