زعلان منى ليه
Why are you upset with me
حبيبى اوى كده
My love so much
ومشيلنى زنبك
And make me carry your sin
وده بقى سببه ايه
And what is the reason for that
حاجه غريبة اوى
A very strange thing
انا مجيتش جنبك
I did not come by you
انت بتعند معايا
You are acting stubborn with me
ليه بس ليه
Why are you why
ومكبر الحكاي
Exaggerating the story
ليه بس ليه
Why are you why
حبيبى من البداية
My love from the start
فاكر قولنا ايه
Remember what we said
ولا انت شاكلك مش هنا
Or you look like you are not here
انا لو جيت عليك حبيبى انا كده
If I came on you too harsh my love,that's how I am
باجى على حته منى
I am coming harsh on a part of me
وادينى انا اهو براضيك
And here I am trying to satisfy you
ده انا حبيبك انا
I am your beloved I
متزعلشى منى
Do not be upset with me