In all friendship, I call you at night
Even after midnight, you pick up
In all friendship, I tell you that I'm lost
You guide me through the streets and bridges
In all friendship, you accompany me back home
With the sound of your gallant voice
In all friendship, you don't feel well tonight
You need someone, it's troublesome
In all friendship, I run myself a bath
Telephone in the hand I let myself fall into it
In all friendship, you'd like to be a bodywash
A bubble that touches me, a sponge
In all friendship, it's true that I'm more than naked
Under the faom, so naive in my inexperience
In all friendship, you tremble on the other side of the line
I play the teen and elude
In all friendship, you relatively much
want to be my lover tonight
In all friendship, I lie down in my bed
All this is very nice but you'd have to see it
In all friendship, you describe my body
Which you can't experience, even though it's far away
In all friendship, I sigh at your ear
But it's because I'm tired, more or less
In all friendship, hanging onto your portable
you virtually stretch me out on the table
In all friendship, you are the god of love
you take me 'til the break of day
In all friendship, when I finally fall asleep
you hang up with a tired hand
In all friendship, we congratulate quietly
because a friendship like this is holy