I can't stop
You made me experience
something I was never heard of
you taught me to read this languange
which is silently spoken
others can't get this
I can't stop
I can't stop
I don't wanna let go
you would be like a tattoo on my skin
I want to hide you
tie you on the radiator of my living room
that's all I care about
I can't stop
Take me to the doctor
I've stayed awake for many nights continuously
I've thought about you for weeks without a break
if you keep doing that you need to call a wee woo car
take me to the doctor
What's up
I just woke up
Called a cab when you sent me your location
you want more of that thing I deliver
and I was going to keep you hooked
I taught you to speak with languages
to eat forbidden fruits and you swallowed it all
now I'm thinking like oh shit
You made me experience
something I was never heard of
you taught me to speak this languange
which is silently spoken
others can't get this
I can't stop
I can't stop
I don't wanna let got
I can't stop