Like that light, so uncertain,
you'll feel your mood
the same
and you can't longer stand
those men that
use you and leave,
that rob your eyes
of their joy,
day after day.
And so on day after day.
If tears helped you today
to end the pain hammered there
deep inside you.
In room 26,
between flowers you no longer look at,
where you sell your body
and one off-beat romance.
They enter, pay
and then leave.
In room 26,
where you always find
another goodbye
and it hurts you
that there is no affection
amidst the brief caresses
they give you.
You'll hear another man,
you'll hear him call
insisting at your door to enter
but you won't answer.
Then you will escape
away from the pain.
Like a bird flying into freedom,
your mind will leave.
In room 26,
between flowers you no longer look at,
you see the sea with no more borders
while waiting for springs
to give you again harmony
and the courage you wanted
to leave and never come back
to that dirty hard-life world
where there is never tenderness.
And you walk along the beach,
breathing the silent sea in,
you're part of its entirety.
In room 26,
you'll put flowers in your hair
while waiting for the dawn of a new encounter
in the perfume of the wind.
In room 26.