Maybe it was enough to breathe, only to breathe real slowly
Recuperar cada latido en mi
Recuperand fiecare bataie a inimii din mine
and it useless now when you're not here anymore
ahora donde estas, porque yo no puedo acostumbrarme aun
si acum unde esti, pentru ca eu inca nu ma pot obisnui
december has already arrived, you're not here and I'm gonna wait for you till the end
But no, today there's no time for explaining
y preguntar si te ame lo suficiente
sau pentru a intreba daca te-am iubit destul
I am here and I want to talk to you now, now.
Because between my teeth get smashed
las cosas importantes,
lucrurile importante
those words you'll never hear
y las sumerjo en un lamento haciéndolas salir
si le scufund in durere facandu-le sa iasa la supratata
they are all here for you, one after another.
Las sientes.. ya besan y se posaran entre nosotros dos,
Le poti auzi...te saruta si se vor asterne intre noi doua
if you aren't here, I cannot repeat them, I cannot pronounce them,
On the other hand, don't take away from me the memories
de aquellos días que corríamos al viento
acelor zile in care alergam in vant
I wanna dream I can still talk to you.
But no, today there's no time for explaining to you
También tenía ya mil cosas que contarte
Aveam de asemenea o mie de lucruri sa-ti povestesc
and in front of me, a thousand things that pull me towards you.
Maybe it was enough to breathe
solo respirar muy lento.
doar sa respiri foarte incet
Today it's [too] late, in exchange today you don't.