Like the prophets devoted to god, (in hebrew - also "to noun")
He was devoted to adjectives, verbs and nouns.
And in midnight, oil lamp on his desk,
would right mountains and mountains
of beautiful, fluent words.
Eliezer, when will you go to sleep?
Your back is so bent
And the Hebrew (language) that waited two thousand years
Will wait for you until sunrise.
Eliezer Ben Yehuda,
such a lovely jew
Words, words, such many words,
he invented from his bright mind.
If the Hebrew (language) has slept two thousand (years), so what?
Let's wake it up, invent the innovation*,
the iron*, the bomb*, the furniture*,
in his quill, he wrote.
He wrote cauliflower*, he wrote ice cream*,
wrote all the Ben Yehuda dictionary.
And created more words,
and his fast quill didn't rest;
And the language increases,
and it didn't recognize itself,
itself when sunrise came.
Eliezer Ben Yehuda...
And he had a son, and this the man said:
His name will be Itamar Ben Yehuda.
From birth to withering, form when he is
circumcised to his death -
He is ally with Hebrew,
and he has a war - against foreign languages.
Itamar was, indeed, a man,
high as palm and beautiful face
and the language he spoke was an ancient language.
Itamar Ben Avi**,
that his father was a profet
such a man.
Eliezer Ben Yehuda...