I met the flower king in the afternoon some time ago,
The rainbow tone in his skin and his paper crown called my attention.
The flower king has his people in a very remote forest,
Two mouthfuls behind the sun,
Each tenant in a flower and love on every ground.
The flower king has lizards that sing of leaping when leaping,
He has battalions of tiny bees and spiders, slugs and lovely birds.
The flower king works and works,
His people work too,
They raze the forests of tall grasses,
They sail in ponds of field water.
The flower king has his factories inside the earth,
Each worker makes a flower that will grow in spring,
if not, a fly will rain on it.
Over the flowery fields of the flower king
I see my son and calling to him there is a voice
that has split him in two halves by a bomb that fell.