I'm a rooster from Sinaloa
Played in various palenques
It's no that I'm boasting
Good luck follows me
What I do1
I have death always close to me
I spend my time in the mountains
Cities and ranches
And if they say that Gonzales
Is wanted by the police
I'm going to the United States
To get lost a few days
Those of the DEA chase me
For the invasion2they carry a permit
They get the best part
If there is any seizure
The gringos never burn it
Most of them are massive3
I carry a goat's horn4
And a very pretty super5
They6clean my way well
And from danger they take me away
If they see me in trouble
Immediately they vomit death
Friends in jails
I have in the north and east
Because they have been arrested
They had bad luck
Others are in the south
Because they trust people
If anyone wants to get into this7
The thing is dangerous
When the man is formal
He sows, harvests and enjoys it
But if he becomes a snake
Very soon falls into the grave
1. my job2. to enter the country3. well positioned in the crime scene4. an AK-475. a .38 gun6. the guns7. into my profession