My mistake has remained in my face
My heart got tired of screaming
My throat told it not to
And it was afraid
I preferred to be your friend and shut up
Avoiding you did not work for me
And when others made you cry
I loved you inside
There is nothing I can do
I only have to cast a spell on you
Let's see if I can catch you
It's not an option to forget you
I will force the moon
to not go out tonight
I'm going to invent a spell,
That doesn't let him touch you,
That makes kisses impossible,
that doesn't support it
So that you never leave,
I'm going to charm you with a thousand voices
I apologize for shutting myself up,
I should have taken less
But today you will have to listen to me
Since I've always loved you
And I didn't choose to fall in love
But it's true love
And if I put a spell on you to stay
There is nothing I can do
I only have to put a spell on you
Let's see if I can catch you
It's not an option to forget you
I will force the moon
to not go out tonight
I'm going to invent a spell,
That doesn't let him touch you,
That makes kisses impossible,
that does not support it
So that you never leave,
I am going to charm you with a thousand voices
I apologize for shutting myself up,
I should have taken less
But today you will have to listen to me,
Since I've always loved you
And I didn't choose to fall in love
But it's true love
and if I put a spell on you to stay
You cast a spell on me first