A lonely tallship goes stately through the ocean
Our german brothers it shall take away
The flag it waves, the big white sails are swelling
They're gone for good, in America to stay
I see them standing at the railing
Throwing one last glance back as they are sailing
At their homeland, the fatherland of green
See, they sail into the vast blue sea serene
They're gliding by upon the blueish breakers
Why have they left their farms and homes at hand
They have been robbed by the stags and by the takers
For hunger drove them from the fatherland
See them go, oh ye oppressors
See them go, all ye transgressors
Look ye on, your best farmhands all flee
Watch them disappear into the mighty sea
They sail away, who dares to raise the question
Why did they have to leave the fatherland
Oh poor Germania, stand and watch the procession
All your poor brothers, to exile they are banned
On what they here could only ponder
They are seeking now to find yonder
And better grounds than the german lands they crave
And in the new world they will find their grave