Dark circles to the moon
And whistles on the ears
But that does not matter to me today
Sure, the train is on strike again
And join my car right there
But I do not care
The radio conspired against me
Play the same song a thousand times
But I have nerves of tightrope
Glasses mountains pile up
The mirror full of lipstick
As if that throws me off course
I do not care
Sometimes it does not go well
I do not care
Then stop it another time
I think my account is dieting
And my mailbox is bursting
This affects me peripherally
It does not seem like where I'm going
I'm stuck with bad luck on my heels
But in my shoes I like to run
Stand unaware at the roadside
Puddle, vice, thank you
How good that everything works perfectly
The neighbors are ringing storm with me
The gas heating has exploded
I'm rewriting Murphy's Law
I do not care
Sometimes it does not go well
I do not care
Then stop it another time
It would be a shame on the nerves
Because they grow so badly
I have a stress-resistant vest
Everything bounces off me today
Clouds form middle finger
The sky is gray
But through the neon-pink glasses
I do not see everything that tight
I do not care
Sometimes it does not go well
I do not care
Then stop it another time