And many were astonished at our whiteness however,
And many were amazed to look at eyes so clear,
They felt hands and arms and other parts, as well
Rubbed my skin with saliva to see if it was finally,
A paint or if it was a meat stamp so white,
Seeing how white was my body and of such whiteness
They were in ecstasy and many were amazed: all in awe;
And they were the whites of the shadow born of the sea by ships,
Guided by the winds of heaven and by the flight of birds;
They hide their shame covered with burlap
And they were big and fat and dull and dry, the black ones
With farts they confuse backsides and mouths,
And they cover these and charge for shelter,
And the more brown go there almost naked, adrift, rascals
And there are women with tits to the waist sizzling
So naked they shake in a dance their dancing body;
And they were the whites of the shadow born of the sea by ships,
Guided by the winds of heaven and by the flight of birds;