Lovers are in a white coupe of a railroad car,
Bed is cold like ice.
Lovers are in a white coupe,
Bed is cold like ice.
Two trains are on the stretch,
One of them won't reach its station.
If you are a rhododendron, then
Your place is in the window,
If you are the true anchor, then
Come on, bro, lie at the bottom
And if you want to come in,
You have to go outside before.
So don't sing your songs, Inesilla, to me
Neither about the automn, nor about the spring.
Don't sing about how they fly,
Don't sing about how they go to the bottom,
It's better you won't sing at all,
Or then I'd fall asleep.
Lovers are in a white coupe of a railroad car,
The trains are flying forward.
Lovers are in a white coupe,
Rails are crackling like ice.
Today all trains are on the way,
But none of them won't reach its station.