Those that are born are sorry to be, those that are not even more so
It's as if I've been enemies with fate since the day I was born
Everyone has a heart longing for love
There are twice as many people that don't love as the ones that do
My God, what kind of love is this that it is killing me
She was never happy but but wouldn't let me be either
My troubles are without resolution, my wounds very deep
I've reach the tip, my sorrow is endless
I'm helpless, this is fate's cruel game to me
Those that drink regret it, those that don't even more so
It's as if we're all drunk with troubles from the moment we're born
Being in love is worse than being a drunk
With each drink I feel like Mecnun, Kerem*
Mecnun and Kerem are two "Romeos" of Turkish culture. For further information search "Leyla ile Mecnun" and "Kerem ile Aslı"