At first, there's that girl
In the glass box
Who says "Good night, see you tomorrow"
On a music track
Good men back to front
And then nothing
I was here at 8 a.m
For the bad news
She left me alone
With my desire of her
Behind her face
A snow landscape
And then nothing
Then I listen to my buddy
On the local radio
At the middle of a speech
That's the time which he hope
Above his jar
If the daylight arrives
Because I heard there was fire
At the Earth's half
And we wait for the best
Only for sagittarus
After a last drink
The stars's breath
And then nothing x2
And then, after Special Edition, Special Edition
In natural colo(u)r
My desires of her
And then, after Special Edition, Special Edition
In full-scale
Her eyes on the wall
And then I look for
Someone I know
Who is still standing
I musn't deceive myself
At this time
We aren't a lot
I can't sleep
With nobody by my side
And the silence is waiting for me
I hear him resonating
"Come on, good night!"
The noise when I hang up
And then nothing x2
And then, after Special Edition, Special Edition
In natural colo(u)r
My desires of her
When I get up
The girl in the glass box
Has already said good morning
My buddy is already gone
On another anger
In another speech
But the night arrive fast
To those who are afraid of it
There are some things we avoid
Not easy with it
Tranquil afternoon
Banal afternoon
And then... x3
Special Edition x2