Love, love
What do you do to me
It's not at all simple
With you
Sometimes you make me happy
But most of the times you unfortunately don't
You touch my sore spots
And I drink a toast to you for it
I don't understand you
When you speak to me
All of this
Is much too much for me
Maybe I don't even believe in you anymore
I have tried everything
Love doesn't love me
It's like drug withdrawal
Love doesn't love me
Can't we live in harmony
To chase away the doubts
I have tried everything
Love doesn't love me
Love, love
I gave it everything
No medicine man will help me
I find no bar against it
Slowly I start to believe
In a bad curse
You don't take me serious
Don't you ever get
I try to convince myself
That I can do it
And overcome my demon
I don't even know your face yet
It won't work this way
Not for me