It's my destiny's wish that I don't believe in destiny
My fado song1 is to have no fado song to sing
It's to sing it without having even felt it
To sense it like no one else, but being senseless at the same time
Oh how sad this joy that I have is
Oh how glad, this deep sadness!
To wait that someday I won't be wainting one more day
For someone that never arrives and that has been present here
Oh how I long
To have something to long for
To have longings for someone
That has been here and does not exist
To feel sad
Just because I'm feeling so well and happy
To feel happy
Just because I'm feeling so sad
Oh If only I could sing no more "if only I could"s
And feel sorry just for not having anything to be sorry about
Maybe I could hear, then, as I fell silent,
A voice of my own here inside me, singing about someone
Oh what misfortune, this good luck befallen on me!
Oh what good luck to live in such an unfortunate manner
With the incertitude that no thing is more certain
Than the great incertitude of being certain about nothing
1. It's possible as well this one: "It's my fate to have no fado song to sing"